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My name is Mario and just want to tell you a little bit about me. I was born in Cuba, from a hardworking family. I graduated from High School in 1980. I came to USA in 1995. I became US citizen in 2001. I love sports specially football and golf. I write poetry, love the outdoors, also I enjoy sharing the Gospel with anyone with a heart open for the truth.
My hobbies are computer games (4x and strategy), archeology, space exploration and painting. I am married to my beautiful wife Vickie. And I have a son waiting for me in Heaven.

The Story Behind My Site
The goal of my site is to share the good news or Gospel with the entire world and at the same time share my interests, hobbies and poetry. So, welcome to my little corner of the web and I hope you will enjoy the ride.

On my website you will be able to find answers to your spiritual questions and about your future life. It is an important matter that cannot wait. The Holy Spirit has placed a burden on mhy heart to share with the entire world that the end times are near. Many preachers and church leaders only talk about God's mercy, grace and love and intentionally are leaving God's wrath and punishment out of the picture. God's wrath is a very serious matter that must be adressed inmediately.

One of my hobbies is computer games.
Galactic civilization game.

Link to a fantastic website dedicated to create mods for Galactic Civilizations.
Creative Design Group


For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life. John 3:16